Peace Around Us, Stems From The Peace Inside Us


Peace is like a seed. If we cultivate it, care for it, feed it, it will grow.

The more we cultivate peace within ourselves, the more peace grows and extends from our body and mind into our life, affecting those we love and interact with on a daily basis. If our heart is at peace when we communicate with someone they feel it on an unconscious level, eventually mirroring that inner peace or if they decide to hold on to tension they will walk away.

The issues we see in society reflect the current craziness in the collective consciousness.

Peace around us stems from the peace inside us ~ once this is practiced regularly by the majority it will seep into society.


An easy way to start cultivating your own inner peace is to schedule silent time for 10-minutes 2 twice a day. Set your timer for 10-minutes, go on airplane mode, lie down (if possible), put one hand on your belly button and the other on your heart, breathe deep and slow, and once per breath silently say, “I’m okay”.


Thoughts will arise during your meditations. You can approach them in 3 ways;

1. Refocus your mind on your breath every time you notice thoughts

2. Imagine thoughts are clouds passing across a clear blue sky

3. Once per breath remember to say, “I’m okay”, this gives your mind a job providing less capacity for random thoughts

Brett Cotter